Mother’s Day

To all the mom’s out there, Happy Mother’s Day.

No single day will ever contain all the celebration and accolades moms deserve to have showered upon them. Being a mom is a blessing that is accompanied by as much sacrifice as it is joy.

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Emily Schultz
The Empowered Patient

In the past, I’ve cited my experience with cosmetic medicine as one of empowerment. I’m in control. I define my own standard of beauty. Whatever that is or has been to me, cosmetic surgery is one way I achieve it.

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Emily Schultzbeauty
Remembrance Day

We appreciate so many luxuries thanks to the hard work and selflessness of members of the Canadian Forces of past and present. They sacrifice time with family, the comforts of a convenient life at home, and their lives so that we can carry out our lives, rarely thinking of the risks they take to benefit the whole.

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Your Beautiful: Challenging Beauty Standards

I am covered in tattoos. I started getting them when I was a teenager, years before brightly covered sleeves were a staple of trendy cafés. I realized then that I would be judged for my appearance. I still realize it. But I don’t apologize. I wear what sets me apart with pride.

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Back to School in 2020

Last March school let out in a way few had anticipated. Parents had to learn online schooling on the fly. Work was interrupted, schedules thrown into chaos, daily life transformed at a pace and in a way we have never experienced.

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It sounds intimidating but it’s exactly the opposite. In fact, hyaluronic acid (HA) exists naturally within the skin, contributing to tissue repair, supporting the network of collagen and elastane, while retaining moisture

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Last week we discussed using sunscreen to keep yourself safe. This week, let's consider that other facial covering that’s just as essential these days: masks.

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As much as summer is cause for dressing down, it’s important to cover up. And though it seems that all we do is talk about covering our faces these days, some things bear repeating even as new issues need to be addressed.

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