Skin boosters
Skin Boosters are a series of micro injections of hyaluronic acid that are placed directly into the skin. These micro-doses of hyaluronic acid are meant to hydrate and support the skin's elasticity.
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in the body and supports tissues by retaining moisture. The Hyaluronic acid gels used for injection are created from a sugar substance that closely resembles our bodies own therefore requiring no allergy testing.
To minimize discomfort, a small amount of lidocaine anesthetic is pre-mixed into the filler. A topical numbing cream is also available.
Emily spends time in consultation assessing every patient's goals along with their anatomy to establish a treatment plan with a focus on conservative and natural results. Post-procedural instructions are reviewed in detail during the consultation, and most patients may resume their normal schedule following treatment.
Due to the nature of these procedures both bruising and swelling may occur and patients are advised to plan treatment knowing that these effects generally resolve within a few days.
Results are immediate and typically last from 6-24 months depending on multiple factors.The cost of treatment is customized to each patient and will be established during the first consultation.