The Patient-First Approach and Seasonal Transitions

As much as I push myself to always grow as an Aesthetic Nurse Specialist, one thing remains constant: I am a staunch proponent of a patient-first approach.

That focus has afforded me the privilege of building meaningful relationships with patients, many spanning more than 10 years. We’ve seen eye-to-eye and we’ve been honest with one another when treatments they desire differ from my professional opinion.

I may have lost revenue because of this approach but I’ve gained trust, and the latter is far more important to me than the former.

Depending on individual needs, this is the time of year when consultations often turn towards winter skincare.


It remains important, even during winter’s darker months, to think about exposure. Even through cloud cover or car windows, the sun’s ultraviolet lights damage skin cells. Continue to use sunscreen all winter long to protect your skin.

Twelve months a year, I wear an SPF 40 every day and often layer multiple products.


Hyaluronic acid makes up a very important part of the skin. It helps support and cushion within the network of collagen and elastin while holding essential moisture. It helps skin remain elastic and lubricated.

One molecule of hyaluronic acid holds up to 1000 times its weight in water.

But in cooler climates with lower humidity, we lose hyaluronic acid even as the body tries to keep up with rebuilding it. 

Long Canadian winters wreak havoc on our skin. Luckily, we have Skin Conditioning Injectables (Skinboosters) to support this natural process.

Skinboosters are injectable fillers that closely mimic the body’s own Hyaluronic Acid. They are made to be injected, not for volume, but in small amounts in microdroplets into the skin. This helps to replenish the body’s natural stores of Hyaluronic Acid.

In addition to replenishing moisture and rejuvenating elasticity, Skinboosters, in combination with a topical pharmaceutical grade skin product containing ceramide, can help address fine lines on one’s hands, neck, face and around the eyes.

Some products require a series of treatments, others just once, so it’s important to ask your practitioner about the one they suggest specifically for you.


Winter and fall are popular times to do treatments that have certain side effects patients may wish to conceal.

Belkyra – the injectable procedure that dissolves unsightly neck fat over several treatments – is a popular winter treatment because recovery involves a few days worth of swelling.

And always ask about risk.

Risk exists with any injectable procedure. When a needle passes through your skin, there is always the possibility of bruising. Give yourself ample time to recover in an environment where you are most comfortable.

Because my approach is firmly rooted in a patient-first ethics, I feel a tremendous sense of gratitude for the patients who choose me as their primary medical aesthetics practitioner. Patients put a tremendous amount of trust in the hands of their medical cosmetics professionals.

It’s a privilege that my patients choose me. I’m grateful for that. And, as always, I’m available to consult should you be considering any procedure and wish for an honest conversation with someone who will put your needs first.

-          Em

Emily Schultzbeauty