Slowing Time and Giving Thanks: Pressing Pause for Gratitude in 2020


I look forward to fall every year. Time seems to slow down as the leaves light up tree tops and family gathers if only so the shared presence can communicate the gratitude we feel for one another.

Gatherings have looked different this year for a lot of us. Maybe they will feature fewer people but no less love. Maybe families will meet online, on the phone, outside and at a distance from one another, foregoing the hugs typically shared. This year, instead of getting close to express our appreciation for each other, we will stay further apart and that distance will be as loving a gesture as any embrace.

It will be a different Thanksgiving, that is certain..

But I can feel it already, in my anticipation, that time will slow down again this year. Slow enough that we will be given the gift of time to reflect and give our attention to the things that have occurred this year for which we are grateful.

Personally, I am grateful for my family. I have been blessed this year with extra time spent with my boys. We have grown closer. Experienced new adventures. Created new inside jokes. And welcomed a puppy.

I’m grateful for my career. 2020 has been busy and 2021 will likely be busier. I’m thankful for this because I have committed myself to growing my career and I am witnessing the fruit of my actions blossoming.

Kraftwürk is growing. The flagship clinic coming to Kitchener-Waterloo is so close I can feel it. Watch this space for detailed updates on this long time project I’ve been working so hard on.

I’m grateful to my industry, my colleagues, and my patients for inspiring me, and for championing the growth of Kraftwürk. Plans that have, in one form or another, been in motion for many years are coming together because the community of people surrounding me empowers me. Thank you for that.

I wish everyone a peaceful, reflective Thanksgiving and look forward to another year of things to come on which we will reflect with gratitude next year.

- Em
