Burnout: A Post-Back-to-School Check-In (more thoughts on self-care)


School has been back in session for a little more than two months. Whether in the classroom or online, kindergarten or university, I hope students are thriving. This is such a strange and different school year.

These extraordinary circumstances are bound to influence everyone in different ways.

I try to sneak mental health checks in when casually talking to my family. We could be discussing homework or hobbies – I want my kids to know they can open up and share their feelings with me.

Whether it’s stories of their school day or social circles, ask open-ended questions and, without sounding overly curious, slip in questions like, “How do you feel about that?” and “What are your thoughts on that?” Invite expression, create a dialogue that’s open to exploration.

Students are dealing with a situation to which parents simply can’t relate as genuinely as we need to. It’s important we create safe spaces for them to openly express their emotions without fear of ridicule or embarrassment.

Having said that, parents are just as in need of check-ins as the kids. Touch base with your spouse in private. And if not your spouse, then someone else you trust.

Christmas is around the corner, and we’re all coming down off the emotional high of starting an unparalleled school year. If we keep spinning, we’re bound to burnout.

November presents the opportunity to rest for a moment. Do something to ensure you and those you love remain grounded and at peace.

And let’s consider upping the hug quota among those with whom we bubble.

- Em
