
“The only constant in life is change.” – Heraclitus

This timeworn quote feels truer now than ever before. Week to week everything seems ready to change in an instant. And now the seasons are changing – summer is drawing to a close and soon we’ll be appreciating the vibrant colour of autumn leaves.

With change in mind, I’ve been reflecting on a few things I’d like to think about in greater depth this month: changing personal definitions of beauty for the better and changing up your skincare routine to meet the demands of colder weather.

I’ve purposefully titled one of this month’s blog entries “Your Beautiful” rather than “you’re beautiful,” because it’s not up to me or anyone else to validate your appearance by saying something like you are beautiful. I want you to confidently possess your own idea of what is beautiful, to own it. It’s your beautiful, nothing else matters. That’s the definition of beautiful I’m dedicated to serving: yours.

Join me this month as I reflect on my own journey of figuring out what I value and the ways I’ve chosen to live my values, aesthetically and personally.

It’s also important, as one season roles into the next, to revisit the skincare routine that got you through summer and consider new routines and treatments appropriate to fall and winter.

New weather means your skin is exposed to and influenced by new environmental conditions – less sun exposure, dryer air, colder temperatures.

Together, we can start the timely conversation about how your cosmetic care routine needs to change in the coming months. And if you wish to discuss it in more detail, I hope you feel inspired to meet with your medical skincare specialist.

As always, I’m here to help. Don’t hesitate to connect. Your goals are my goals. - Em
