Pay it Forward, But Keep the Change: Caring for Others and Oneself


November is a good time of year to press pause and take a breath. You’ve given a lot of yourself to others over the past several months. Much of your family’s sanity is likely the positive outcome of sacrifices you’ve made. You should be proud of that, but don’t forget to take care of you.

Maybe, like me, November is when, having settled the kids into a school routine, you turn your attention to the Holidays. But stop and pay attention to the necessary opportunity for a momentary recess between these two very busy times of the year.

This November I want us to think about the kindness we give to others and the kindness we give to ourselves.

Altruism is proven to benefit one’s happiness – it’s good to be good. I want to continue to show kindness and generosity to everyone with whom I come into contact.

At the same time, this is a good time of year to reflect on that ongoing effort to find balance. To not give so much of yourself away that you lose you in the process.

Kindness is meant to be shared, so don’t forget that a part of sharing means sharing your kindness with yourself. Circle back and take care of you.

This month I’ll be reflecting on altruism, burnout, giving back to yourself, and taking care of yourself as the days grow shorter and the temperature drops.

Perhaps this winter will be, in some respects, more isolating than previous winters. In other ways, perhaps it will be spent with family doing the cozy things we otherwise only find time for between rushing around.

Winter 2020 will be a good time to slow down. I hope we can all be patient with one another and with ourselves, and allow ourselves to slow down a bit.

Let’s stay in touch as the year winds to a close. I’ve been busy launching Kraftwürk’s first flagship clinic, but I will always make time for you.

- Em
